We are waiting on someone to make a decision, however, before we know which puppy is coming home with us as we have second pick of the boys. Luckily we like the same two puppies so we will be happy with either, although we do have a 'soft spot' for the puppy known as (pka) purple, we also like orange.
Alex is still undecided on a name, Zeke is the latest offering; and as it is going to be her puppy she has the ultimate decision in the name. But whatever his (call) name he will ultimately be known as a different name too as all our dogs have had nicknames as well as their 'proper' name and they respond to either. Rubin answers to his name and also to 'Mooose' ( gained from resembling a moose sans antlers) whilst Arnold the border collie answers to his name and also his nickname of Ski. However the most amazing thing is that the dogs also know each others' nicknames e.g. call Ski and Rubin will turn and look at Arnold, and vice versa!